1` Rest easy at night by securing your windows - Houston Locksmith Pros

Is your home secure? Are your home’s doors – and windows – burglar-proof?

24 hour locksmithIn a bid to protect their homes, most homeowners invest in solid and metallic doors complete with impregnable locks and bolts. Oftentimes though, windows are overlooked making them easy targets for burglar entry.

Security statistics show that about 30% of burglars are able to break-in houses through an open or unlocked doors or windows. This is why in addition to reinforcing your door, securing your windows is also a must to help ensure that your home is protected from burglars and intruders.

All locksmiths will tell you to protect your home from robbery entries by following these practical tips in making sure your windows are burglar resistant:

Reinforce Glass Windows

Glass windows that allow visibility inside the house are particularly inviting to the prying eyes of the thieves. Additionally, ordinary glass windows are easy targets for these burglars. Below are few ways you can intensify the security for your glass windows:

Tint Your Windows – Window tints limit visibility inside your home so it will be harder for burglars to see the valuables inside which can be tempting for them.

Install Window Security Screens – Window security screens help strengthen the security of your glass windows to make it less vulnerable to break-ins.

Use Safety Smash-Proof Window Glass – Although more expensive than the traditional glass windows, burglar-resistant smash proof windows are much more secure compared to the ordinary glass windows which can be easily smashed by the thieves.

Invest in Sturdy and High-Quality Window Locks

Typically, original window locks are not strong enough to secure your home windows. Upgrading into high quality window locks can greatly enhance the security of your windows.

Yes to Acrylic Plastic Windows

Glass windows are preferred by a number of house owners partly because of its aesthetic appeal. But if you are more concern about your safety, acrylic plastic windows are more durable and safer alternative to glass windows. Acrylic plastic windows combine aesthetic and incredible strength. They are weather-resistant, great insulators, versatile and more importantly more than 10 times impact resistant compared to ordinary glasses.

Install Window Bars and Grilles

Installing iron bars and grilles on your windows are effective ways to make your windows burglar resistant. This may be a less popular option for homeowners concerned about their home’s aesthetic value. In this case, there are actually bars and grilles with decorative patterns so your windows can still look appealing.

  • Install Window Security Alarms and Cameras
  • Aside from installing security alarms on your doors, installing alarms on your windows is important to ward off intruders.
  • You can also install security cameras to intensify your windows’ security against intruders.
  • Install Window Security Lights and Bright Floodlights

Dark environments are favorable conditions for burglars so they can perform crimes under the cover of darkness. Windows security lights or bright floodlights are perfect ways to intimidate and discourage home intruders. When your windows are well-lighted burglars will likely think twice before breaking in. They know very well that they will be spotted easily with the bright lights.

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