1` Push Bars: Enhancing Safety and Accessibility - A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s fast-paced world, ensuring safety and accessibility is paramount, especially in public and commercial spaces. Push bars, also known as panic bars or crash bars, play a pivotal role in providing easy exit solutions during emergencies while maintaining the integrity of entry points. This article delves into the world of push bars, shedding light on their importance, types, installation, maintenance, and frequently asked questions.

Ensuring the safety and accessibility of your commercial property can be a complex and daunting task.

Traditional door systems can be ineffective and even pose potential risks. In emergency situations, such as fires or other emergencies, a standard door can slow down evacuation and compromise safety.

That’s where Houston Locksmith Pros comes in. Our comprehensive guide on push bars will help you enhance the safety and accessibility of your property. With easy-to-follow instructions and professional advice, you’ll be able to confidently choose and install the right push bar system for your specific needs. Don’t compromise on safety – let Houston Locksmith Pros be your trusted partner in securing your property.

Understanding Push Bars

A push bar is a mechanical door-opening device designed for quick and easy escape during emergencies. It is installed horizontally across a door’s interior and operates by pressing the bar, allowing the door to swing open. Push bars are commonly found in high-traffic areas such as commercial buildings, schools, hospitals, and public spaces.

Types of Push Bars

There are various types of push bars available to cater to different requirements:

Rim-Type Push Bars: These are installed on the inside surface of the door and are the most common type. They are easy to install and maintain.

Vertical Rod Push Bars: This type features vertical rods that extend from the push bar to the top and bottom of the door. They provide enhanced security and are often used in places where increased durability is required.

Mortise Lock Push Bars: Mortise locks are integrated into the door, combining the lock and push bar in one unit. They are popular in locations where aesthetics matter.

Benefits of Push Bars

Push bars offer several benefits:

  • Emergency Exit: Push bars allow for swift and unrestricted exit during emergencies, preventing congestion and potential hazards.
  • Security: While they provide quick exit options, push bars also deter unauthorized access from the outside.
  • Compliance: In many jurisdictions, push bars are mandatory in public buildings to comply with safety regulations.
  • Accessibility: Push bars ensure that individuals with mobility challenges, including wheelchair users, can easily exit a building.

Installation of Push Bars

Proper installation is crucial for the effective functioning of push bars. The process involves precise measurements, alignment, and secure attachment to the door. It is recommended to hire professionals experienced in push bar installation to ensure compliance with safety standards.

Maintaining Push Bars

Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity and functionality of push bars. Periodic inspections should include checking for loose screws, lubricating moving parts, and verifying that the push bar’s operation is smooth. Maintenance can prevent unexpected malfunctions during emergencies.

The Importance Of Push Bars

Push bars are an invaluable safety feature in commercial and public spaces. They help ensure the safety of occupants during emergencies while offering reliable access control. Push bars have become increasingly popular due to their easy installation, maintenance, and compliance with safety regulations.

It is important to choose the right push bar system for your specific needs and make sure it is installed correctly by professional technicians. With a reliable push bar system and regular maintenance, you can ensure the safety of your building while complying with applicable regulations.

Other Terms for Push Bar

Push bars are also known as panic bars, crash bars, and push plates. They are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and finishes to suit different aesthetics. For enhanced security, some models come with an integrated alarm system that triggers when the bar is pressed. Other features include illuminated signs for easy visibility in low-light areas and key overrides with restricted access.

No matter what kind of push bar system you choose, it’s important to understand how it works and properly maintain it. Regular checks can help identify any possible issues before they become more serious. With the right push bar system in place and regular maintenance, you can rest assured that your property is secured and compliant with safety regulations.


What is a push bar?

A push bar, also known as a panic bar or crash bar, is a mechanical device installed on a door to facilitate quick and easy exits during emergencies. It is activated by pushing the bar, allowing the door to swing open.

Where are push bars commonly used?

Push bars are commonly used in various public and commercial spaces, including schools, hospitals, offices, shopping malls, theaters, and airports. They are installed on exit doors to ensure swift evacuation during emergencies.

Are push bars a legal requirement?

Yes, in many jurisdictions, push bars are required by building codes and regulations for certain types of buildings. They are crucial for ensuring safety and compliance with emergency exit standards.

How do push bars enhance building safety?

Push bars enhance building safety by providing a quick and efficient means of exit during emergencies. They prevent overcrowding and congestion at exits, reducing the risk of injuries and facilitating faster evacuations.

Can push bars be installed on all types of doors?

Push bars can be installed on most types of doors, including wood, metal, and glass doors. However, the specific type of push bar and installation method may vary depending on the door’s design and material.

What are the main types of push bars?

The main types of push bars include rim-type push bars, vertical rod push bars, and mortise lock push bars. Each type has its advantages and is suited for different applications.

What factors should be considered during push bar installation?

During push bar installation, factors such as the type of door, building codes, user traffic, and accessibility requirements should be considered. Professional installation is recommended to ensure compliance and functionality.

Do push bars require regular maintenance?

Yes, push bars require regular maintenance to ensure their proper operation. Periodic inspections, cleaning, and lubrication of moving parts are essential to prevent malfunctions and ensure reliability during emergencies.

Can push bars be retrofitted?

Yes, push bars can often be retrofitted onto existing doors. However, the feasibility of retrofitting depends on the door’s construction and the type of push bar desired.

How do push bars contribute to accessibility?

Push bars significantly contribute to accessibility by providing an easy and intuitive way for individuals with disabilities or mobility challenges to exit a building. They ensure that everyone, regardless of their physical abilities, can evacuate safely and quickly.

How Safe a Crash Bar is?

Push bars are highly safe and reliable. When properly installed and frequently maintained, they can effectively facilitate quick exits during emergencies. In addition, the mechanical operation of push bars is simpler than that of electronic devices, making them easier to use in a crisis situation. With a reliable push bar system in place, you can ensure the safety of your building occupants with confidence.

Cost of a Crash Bar System

The cost of a push bar system varies depending on the type and size of the door, as well as the features desired. For example, an illuminated sign or a key override may incur extra costs. In general, however, push bars are relatively inexpensive and offer a great return on investment in terms of safety and compliance.

In conclusion, push bars are an essential safety solution for any commercial or public building. They offer reliable access control and ensure the safety of occupants during emergencies. With the right system in place and regular maintenance, you can rest assured that your property is secure and compliant with applicable regulations.


Push bars are a critical component of building safety and accessibility. By enabling swift and organized evacuations during emergencies, these devices play a pivotal role in safeguarding lives. Understanding the types, installation process, and maintenance requirements of push bars ensures that they remain functional and reliable when needed the most. Whether in schools, hospitals, offices, or other public spaces, push bars are a testament to our commitment to creating safe and inclusive environments for all.

Are you ready to increase the safety and accessibility of your business or residential building?

Push bars are a great way to enhance security and convenience for building occupants. They can be used on panic doors in emergency situations, as well as on regular doors for ease of use. You don’t have to sacrifice safety when it comes to convenience, thanks to push bars!

With Houston Locksmith Pros by your side, you will get the highest quality push bars available that comply with all fire codes and regulations. Our experienced technicians will install them expertly so you can trust that they will last for years without issue. Plus, our product is backed up by a one-year warranty so you know if anything happens we’ll take care of it right away!

Call us today or contact us online now to schedule an installation appointment – Together let’s make sure your building is secure and accessible at all times!

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